We are week-5 into our 6-week pilot of our weekly produce boxes. Each week, the boxes look slightly different, depending on what’s ready for harvest at our Golden Gums farm and what other local farmers have available.
Our customers may have been curious when they received this week’s box because it included some beautiful bush tucker harvested from Golden Gums farm that they may have never seen or heard of before. In fact, these plants may even be growing in their gardens!
🌱 Saltbush is a native Australian plant that is very hardy, being able to survive a range of harsh weather conditions, such as flooding and drought. Saltbush is a crucial part of Aboriginal food, shelter and agriculture. Indigenous Australians ate the leaves of the shrub and ground the leaves and roots into water. They would then bathe any skin abrasions in the water to help heal them. Saltbush was also used by Indigenous Australians as windbreaks, firebreaks and shade, and is now commonly on farms around Australia..
🌱Karkalla is more commonly known as pigface and beach banana. It’s a succulent most commonly found among sand dunes and on cliff faces around the Australian coastline. One species, Disphyma crassifolia, has slender leaves that are plump, juicy, and more palatable than others, and grows further inland on salt flats and in clay.
Both saltbush and karkalla have a salty flavour and can be used in a variety of dishes.
Do you have saltbush or karkalla growing in your garden? Scroll across to find some tasty recipes to try.