With great sadness, we must announce that following the Declaration of a State of Emergency in Victoria and federal announcement about non-essential mass gatherings, the following Bendigo Foodshare events are postponed until the COVID-19 pandemic has passed.

  • Million Meals in May – May 2020
  • SoupFest 2020 – May 2020
  • Annual Tin Rattle – March 21, 2020
  • Annual Cinema Night – August 2020

The core purpose of Bendigo Foodshare is to work together as a community to fight food poverty by sourcing food to be distributed to people in need via local organisations and schools.

With the threat of financial insecurity and isolation facing an increasing number of Central Victorians, we have chosen to focus on maintaining our essential services and helping as many people as possible during what is sure to be a challenging time.

We want to reassure you that our service is continuing. Still, we would greatly appreciate the community’s help in recruiting volunteers, increasing public donations of staple foods and ensuring financial contributions continue to flow in, wherever possible. If you can help, please email us at admin@bendigofoodshare.org.au or call 5444 3409.

In the meantime, we are working on bringing you the latest COVID-19 updates, telling human interest stories and sharing tips about how the community to work together to be resilient and kind in this unprecedented situation.