Bendigo Foodshare – where we always create connection, act with integrity, respect each other and show courage.

Strategic Plan 2023 – 2025
Every person in central Victoria has secure access to healthy food.
With passionate committed volunteers at our heart, we’re working together with partners and community to connect people to healthy, affordable food by improving local supply and access, developing food skills and supporting a sustainable and healthy environment.
- Create Connection – we make meaningful connections with each other, the community and environment.
- Act with Integrity – we say what we mean, and we do what we say.
- Respect each other – we value and support people for their abilities, qualities and differences.
- Show Courage – we face opportunities and challenges with passion, hope and innovation.
- Strategic alignment – all decisions and actions will support our strategic goals and objectives.
- Triple bottom line sustainability – we commit to focusing as much on social and environmental impacts as on financial impacts.
- Community ownership – community is engaged in the leadership and delivery of our services ensuring they respond to local needs.
- Drive social justice – we acknowledge diversity and discrimination within our community and aim to achieve equity and inclusion in all our decisions.
- Collaborate for mutual benefits – we will partner with others who share our goals for the benefit of our community.
- Do no harm – we will consider potential negative impacts of our actions and seek to eliminate, reduce or mitigate them.
Strategic Goals
We are living in an era of increasing community need. By embracing innovation, we plan to increase and improve:
Goal 1 – Access to healthy and sustainable food
Goal 2 – Organisational capability, capacity and culture
Goal 3 – engagement with partners, stakeholders and community