Bendigo Foodshare provides food relief far and wide all across Central Victoria. We do this in partnership with over 70 organisations helping out over 13,000 people in need each week.

Our CEO Michelle and Warehouse Operations Manager Kaye have been out on the road recently to see first hand the amazing work our food relief partners are doing in the community.

Places visited include:
💚Boort Resource & Information Centre
🧡 Boort District Art School
💜Inglewood Community Pantry
💛Castlemaine Nalderun Aboriginal Centre
💙Castlemaine Community hOuse
💚Dunolly Neighbourhood House
🧡Maryborough community House
💜Millhouse Maryborough Neighbourhood House
💛The Kindness Collective Kyneton
💙Romsey Coop
💚St Vincent’s Conference Centre in Castlemaine
🧡Bridgewater Community Food Pantry

While out on the road Michelle and Kaye heard many heart wrenching stories, times are immensely tough right now. Sadly, inflationary pressures have caused more people than ever before to struggle to put food on the table; 1 in 3 people struggling to meet food needs are new to the situation. It was tremendously heartwarming to see the important work the volunteers at these local organisations are doing to provide food relief to their local communities. They not only provide food relief, they also provide connection and often an ear listening with empathy and compassion. Michelle and Kaye left inspired and honored to be playing a role in the extraordinary support these organisations are providing to our community, and look forward to getting out and about to more of our food partners over the coming months.

Thanks to Loddon Herald, The Maryborough District Advertiser, and Gannawarra Times for coming along to support Bendigo Foodshare and our incredible partners and for getting the word out to the community for where they can access help.