We were very honoured to have the Governor-General of Australia and Mrs Hurley visit Bendigo Foodshare!

The Governor General came to Bendigo Foodshare to acknowledge and recognise the work that our amazing volunteers, staff and supporters have done, particularly throughout the pandemic.

Whilst at Bendigo Foodshare the Governor General and Mrs Hurley helped our volunteers do a fruit and vegetable sort and create some lucky dip orders with pantry goods to be delivered to those in need. This was followed by a well earned lunch that was catered for by Peppergreen Farms Catering along with fruit platters and a BBQ using rescued food.

We were also treated to a special singalong from the Governor General and Mrs Hurley which was incredibly uplifting!

Bendigo Foodshare was extremely grateful for the visit and what amazing recognition for our volunteers, staff and supporters!